Fees & Funding

Rockers and Rollers offer funded places for Working Families, Two Year Funding and Year Years Entitlement. for information about delivery please do contact us.

Cost, Sessions and Services

Rockers & Rollers is open from Monday to Friday, 51 weeks of the year between the hours of 7.30am - 5.30pm Monday - Thursday, and 7.30 - 5pm on Fridays.

Session 0-3 years 3-4 years Food included

Morning 7.30am - 1pm (5.5 hours) £52 £49 Breakfast & healthy snack & lunch

Afternoon 1pm - 5.30pm (4.5 hours) £52 £49 Tea

All Day 7.30am - 5.30pm (10 hours) £71 £69 Breakfast & healthy snack & lunch & tea

School Day 9am - 3pm (6 hours) £61 £60 Morning snack & lunch

Hourly Rate (for additional hours) £8 £8

Lunch / Tea fee (for additional meals) £3.50 £3.50

Fees Policy

This fees policy forms part of the contract with the parent / carer and Rockers & Rollers.

Rockers & Rollers operates a service which is fair and competitively priced. We aim to offer a high quality, safe and stimulating environment that provides a childcare service that is good value for money.

There will be an annual fee increase, you will be notified 1 month prior to any changes.

If your child is sick, fees must still be paid and unfortunately we are unable to swap or change days due to days missed through illness.

Bank holidays will not be charged for.

If the setting is closes in an emergency due to natural causes such as snow or flooding, parents are still expected to pay for the session. However, if the setting closes due to a maintenance issue or under staffing as a result of sickness, you will be refunded a session for that day.

Any changes to your child’s booking requires one month’s written notice or 1 term if funded, this includes terminating your booking with us.

You will be invoiced 1 month in advance on the 1st of every month.

There is a late collection fee of £10 for every 5 minutes. This will be applied to your next issued invoice and applies to the end of all sessions.

Payment is requested within 7 days of the receipt of invoice. Invoices are emailed to parents/carers alongside out monthly newsletter. Invoices can be printed by request if necessary.

Making Payments

Payments can be made by BACS, cheque or cash or via childcare vouchers.

Cheques should be made payable to Rockers & Rollers Ltd.

Our Lloyds Bank details are: Account Number: 74250460 & Sort Code: 30-90-54